@rian-caramuru, are you on Mac or Windows? I think you're on Windows, but please confirm.

On Windows this worked for me. I redirected the output to a log so I could see what's going on.


Can you show me the output of this command?

npm view ps4-waker ps4-waker@1.10.1 | MIT | deps: 5 | versions: 59 Wake your PS4 over LAN (and more!) with help from the Playstation App https://github.com/dhleong/ps4-waker keywords: ps4, wake, wol bin: ps4-waker dist .tarball: https://registry.npmjs.org/ps4-waker/-/ps4-waker-1.10.1.tgz .shasum: 6001e7161ee4cef2fff5cfb98b89ca180481b455 .integrity: sha512-SZqUACKEOGQ6MQ51G8tHXlRgOVm5uDbeZtPK0MVOxSo6tRwm4aiY91TVxjz4cu3xB97ptaJAfd+7zL+Ng5ob6Q== .unpackedSize: 128.9 kB dependencies: @babel/polyfill: ^7.10.4 core-js: ^3.6.5 debug: ^4.1.1 minimist: ^1.2.5 node-rsa: ^0.4.2 maintainers: - dhleong <me@dhleong.net> dist-tags: latest: 1.10.1 published a year ago by dhleong <me@dhleong.net>