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  • RE: Trigger a command from another command?

    @RayHollister, yes, you can download the tcmd tool and create a script like this:

    tcmd --computer "laptop" --trigger "Trigger A"
    tcmd --computer "laptop" --trigger "Trigger B"

    ... and have Trigger C run that script.

    posted in Mac
  • RE: new commands aren't showing up on

    @Richard-Rico, awesome, good job. I'll suggest that in the future. That's a simple way to fix it.

    posted in General Discussion
  • RE: new commands aren't showing up on

    @Richard-Rico, can you send me the output of this command?

    systemctl status triggercmdagent

    I wonder if you installed the background service while you were root. If you do that, it will use your /root/.TRIGGERcmdData folder. Generally, you want to run it like this while logged in as your user so it will use your regular user's data folder:

    sudo sh /usr/lib/triggercmdagent/resources/app/src/

    Either way the actual service/daemon will run as root, so the difference is which data folder it will use.

    The reason it's only giving you one command is the background agent adds/removes/runs background commands, and the foreground agent adds/removes/runs background commands.

    Look at your ~/.TRIGGERcmdData/commands.json to see which commands are background vs. foreground commands.

    posted in General Discussion
  • RE: Subscription Cancellation

    @tsanchez, I found your subscription and cancelled it.
    Subscription ID : I-TGNG50GBAB0V

    posted in General Discussion
  • RE: Click & input on Screen Desktop

    @pongsatonn-siripet, for that, I would write an AutoIT script that clicks specific coordinates on that program window, then types your input values.

    When you install AutoIt, it will come with this "AutoIt Window Info" tool. If you drag the little Finder Tool to a spot on your program window, it will give you coordinates. You can write a script that clicks those coordinates, then types something. I set the AutoIt Window Info Coord Mode to Window so the coordinates it's giving me are relative to the upper left cornder of the window. The windows screenshot tool removed it but I've got that finder tool target dragged to the upper-left of my calculator window, that's why you see low numbers for the "ControlClick Coords" are 2,7 and Mouse Position is 10,8. If the target was further down and to the right, those numbers would be higher. Anyway, you can give those as your inputs to the script to pick a place for your AutoIt script to "click" before typing your input values. Good luck. I recommend trying the built-in AI Script Assistant if you're subscribed, or you could use ChatGPT to write the script.



    I got this output from ChatGPT with this prompt:

    autoit script to click a coordinate on a specific window, and type something.
    ; Specify the title of the window you want to target
    Local $windowTitle = "Your Window Title"
    ; Activate the window
    If Not WinActivate($windowTitle) Then
        MsgBox(0, "Error", "Window not found!")
    ; Wait for the window to be active
    ; Specify the coordinates where you want to click (relative to the window)
    Local $x = 100 ; X coordinate
    Local $y = 200 ; Y coordinate
    ; Click the specified coordinates
    MouseClick("left", $x, $y)
    ; Sleep for a short duration to ensure the click is registered
    ; Type the text you want
    Send("Hello, this is a test!")
    ; Optionally, you can send an ENTER key or other keys
    ; Send("{ENTER}")

    One cool thing about AutoIt is it can produce a Windows .exe. Then you can run the .exe as a TRIGGERcmd command.

    posted in Example Commands
  • Improved Raspberry Pi image with TRIGGERcmd agent pre-installed

    You don't have to connect a screen - just plug in a pair of headphones and listen for the pair code when the Raspberry Pi boots up.

    This updated article has all of the details.

    posted in Announcements
  • RE: turn tigger off my computer

    @Firas-Frikha , do you have a question?

    posted in Windows
  • RE: Pause trigger

    @foyalcolibris, you could remove the Voice word so it won't show up as a device in Google Home or Alexa.

    posted in General Discussion
  • RE: Installer wont start

    @iswasdoes, nice. I'm glad you figured it out.

    posted in General Discussion
  • RE: How to Setting Power Automate Triggercmd

    @pongsatonn-siripet, I looked the the Microsoft article you sent.

    I see this on that page about the error you're getting:

    This error means a Power Automate license is required for the current user to do the action

    posted in Windows